Vartasangrah Editorial Policy

Vartasangrah Editorial Policy

According to Vartasangrah editorial policy, we uphold rigorous journalistic standards to deliver exceptional articles and news to our audience. By contributing to our platform, you agree to adhere to these guidelines, knowing that non-compliance may result in article rejection and contract termination.


All content must be 100% original and pass plagiarism checks. We only accept never-before-published material that adds value to our readers. Plagiarized or spun articles will be rejected.

Accuracy and Data Verification

Finance-related claims and data must be thoroughly examined and linked to reputable sources. We prioritize accuracy and require empirical evidence to support claims, avoiding false information and biased data.


Every article should offer value to our readers by providing objective insights into financial matters. We maintain impartiality and refrain from promoting any currency, market, or company.

Promotion and Marketing

Articles must not serve promotional or marketing purposes for any finance, company, or individual. Content should remain unbiased, and promotional links are discouraged.

Reader Focus

Consider our audience’s genuine interest in finance when crafting articles. Aim to provide valuable information to readers knowledgeable about the finance sphere.

Article Acceptance

Editorial decisions are final, with acceptance or rejection at the discretion of our editorial board. Writers will be informed of our decision, which is binding.

News Writing

News articles must be thoroughly verified with credible sources to ensure authenticity. Despite tight timelines, accuracy is paramount, and empirical evidence must support all presented data.

Adhering to Vartasangrah editorial policy ensures the creation of high-quality content for our esteemed readers at Vartasangrah.